Homey Beta Custom Tiles: homey_offline

Is there a problem with the connection to homey since this morning. I use “Homey Flows” and “Homey Image Display” and it doesn’t work and looks like this:

Screenshot 2024-06-24 122545

I just tried and things are working fine for me.

Keep in mind that these Homey Custom Tiles run in your browser and communicate directly from your browser to Homey. So if something was going on with your network at the time or Homey had a blip with their APIs, that could potentially cause the type of errors you were seeing.

Hi Josh

Thank you for your answer. Really strange, I have this problems everywhere on my PC, Google Nest Hub and mobile phone. On my PC it looks like this. But my homey is online and I can connect to it and everything looks good. I imported your custom tiles again and checked the api key, cloud number etc. Everything looks right. Really strange.

Screenshot 2024-06-24 210951

Screenshot 2024-06-24 211013


I would try restarting your Homey hub. Since this is communicating directly from your browser to Homey, restarting the hub is probably a good first troubleshooting step.

If I remember correctly, the Homey API that these Custom Tiles use initiates the connection via the Homey Cloud before determining if it can talk locally / directly with your hub. So it’s possible that your Hub is online and running things, but the Homey Cloud is having some trouble communicating with your hub. Oftentimes a reboot of the Homey hub can solve those Homey Cloud type of issues.

Hi Josh

I have this problem with the Flow and Image tile now almost every week. I made a homey support ticket. I hope they have a solution.

Homey supports say:
From the diagnostics report you send me the Homey Pro seems to be connected to the cloud server normally. From their side they mention it runs directly in your browser

Today I restarted everything and still have the same problem on every device (Nest Hub, Mobile, PC Browser).


From the diagnostics report you send me the Homey Pro seems to be connected to the cloud server normally. From their side they mention it runs directly in your browser

Was there more to the quote? You mentioned that you hope Homey support has a solution, but it sounds like they show that the hub is connected to the cloud… and the part about things running directly in your browser seems abrupt or cutoff as it doesn’t seem to have a conclusion or follow-up statement. :thinking:

Are the (beta) tiles still working on your side? Today I have tried everything, but they are not working. With the homey support I tired several things, connect sharptools app again, tried another API Key etc. without success. I have this problem with 3 different devices (PC, Mobile phone, Google nest hub) in my home network and also, when I would like to connect over mobile phone.

I am able to reproduce the issue with the API Token type of configuration now.

I suspect that something might have changed on the Homey side in a backwards incompatible way as nothing has changed with these tiles in quite some time. I’m out on holiday, but I’ll take a closer look when I’m back in the office next week.

Interestingly, the unofficial Homey Ink approach still works with the gauges / images custom tiles. But the API Token approach used with the images / flows custom tiles is reporting an HTTP 417 {"error":"homey_offline"} as you experienced.

Other musings (tap to expand)

It’s also interesting that you started experiencing this ~2 weeks ago and at the time I was unable to reproduce it. From what I understand, Homey had been planning to work on some regionalization of their APIs and I wonder if that could be the underlying change. Just a guess as I’m in the US and you are in Europe if I remember correctly… combined with you being impacted 2 weeks ago and I am just now able to reproduce it makes me wonder if it was something rolled out over time for the different regions. :thinking:

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Hi Josh, thank you for your answer. Then I‘m glad, that I‘m not the only one with this problem. Yes, thats right I‘m from europe and the problem starts two weeks ago. Thank you to have a look into this problem next week.

Hi @feron - have you tried again recently? Based on this thread in the Homey community, it sounds like other people were experiencing similar issues with the Homey API.

They linked to the following Homey Incident and indicated that when the incident was resolved, they were able to use the API as expected again.

I just tried and I was able to confirm that things are working again for me as well.

Can you clarify this point? Do you mean that you were seeing the tiles work sometimes but then they would stop working other times?

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Hi Josh,

Thanks for your answer. I‘m now in holiday. I only have my mobile device here and yesterday I had the same problem, but today it looks good for the flows. The image from my arlo cam I cannot say, this will not be shown on my mobile device. I will have a look the next days, how the flows look like. But as I said in the last post, I have this problem since two weeks, not only 4 days like the homey post. Thanks for your help.
