Home Assistant Container Integration - Next step

Trying to complete SharpTools integration working with Home Assistant Container running on UnRaid OS docker.

I believed I installed the SharpTools Home Assistant connection container per received instructions at https://github.com/sharptools-io/hass-addons/tree/main/container. And the container starts successfully. What is suppose to happen next? Should I be:

  1. Able to go to the web link at port 8099? (currently gives me an error)
  2. See the add-on in Home Assistant connection? (not seeing it)
  3. Have different instructions in SharpTools connections? (still states 'Add SharpTools Repository that is never supported in HA Container).

Please provide what are the proper following steps to complete the integration.

Yes. As noted in the instructions, Docker requires you to explicitly expose the ports that a container uses, so you would need to make sure to expose the port.

Also note that the example Docker Compose file at the bottom of the instructions shows a mapping of the internal port of 8099 to an exposed port on your host machine at port 80, so if you followed that example, you would need to access things on port 80.

I would also suggest checking the logs for your docker host to see if there are any insightful messages displayed in the logs.

And if none of that helps, you might share more details about your UnRaid Docker configuration for this particular container. I don’t personally use UnRAID, but sharing more details would be insightful for effective troubleshooting.

Tried several experiment including moving to Portainer for the stack editor.

The latest version of Portainer does not like version 1 compose files, so updated to version 2 and switched around the port info. Ended up with:
version: ‘2’
image: Package sharptools-hass-addon-connector-amd64 · GitHub
- “8099:80”
- /mnt/user/appdata/sharptools/data:/data
- STIO_HASS_TOKEN=*** (deleted for sharing purposes)

In return it starts but ends up in the log file:
Using environment production for configuration.
Default configuration values have been overridden with STIO_* environment variables
2023-07-16 22:23:07 info: Creating database file since it doesn’t exist.
2023-07-16 22:23:07 info: Init database
2023-07-16 22:23:07 info: Reading the init settings from database
2023-07-16 22:23:07 info: ---- Starting up addon ----
2023-07-16 22:23:07 info: Running at Port 8099.
2023-07-16 22:23:07 debug: Connecting to Home Assistant using URL:
2023-07-16 22:23:07 debug: Create Home Assistant token.
2023-07-16 22:23:07 info: Connecting Home Assistant hub
2023-07-16 22:23:07 info: [Auth phase] Initializing WebSocket connection to Home Assistant
2023-07-16 22:23:07 info: [Auth Phase] Connecting to Home Assistant… Url: ws:// Tries left: 10
2023-07-16 22:23:07 info: Home Assistant connection nextRetryInterval: 1937.
2023-07-16 22:23:07 info: [Auth phase] Received a message of type auth_required. Message: {“type”:“auth_required”,“ha_version”:“2023.7.2”}
2023-07-16 22:23:07 info: [Auth phase] Received a message of type auth_ok. Message: {“type”:“auth_ok”,“ha_version”:“2023.7.2”}
2023-07-16 22:23:07 info: Home Assistant websocket connection is established.
2023-07-16 22:23:07 info: Retrieve the basic information from Home Assistant instance.
2023-07-16 22:23:07 debug: Retrieve config information from Home Assistant.
2023-07-16 22:23:07 debug: Retrieve metadata information from Home Assistant.
2023-07-16 22:23:07 warn: Failed to retrieve Miscellaneous Hub Info: Request failed with status code 404
2023-07-16 22:23:07 warn: Failed to retrieve Add-on Slug: Request failed with status code 404
2023-07-16 22:23:07 debug: Retrieve network information from Home Assistant.
2023-07-16 22:23:07 warn: Failed to retrieve Hub IP: Request failed with status code 404

Any insights on the status code 404’s?
Can the compose stack be officially updated to version 2 or 3?

Can you clarify what isn’t working?

The logs show that it started on port 8099 as expected and your configuration snippet shows that you exposed the 8099 internal port at host port 80.

Edit: see my reply below. The ports appear to be swapped to me.

…so you would access the configuration UI at:

If port 80 is already in use on your docker host, you would need to map it to a different port.

The 404 for the slug and IP are fine as those endpoints are only available in a Supervised installation, so the system effectively ignores them.

Can you clarify why you switched around the port information? That seems reverse of what compose files should have…
