Home Assistant Add On Install Help

Ok, my Home Assistant is up & running and I’ve been through the instructions your, provide to integrate with SharpTools but it says:
Error fetching addon info: Addon 506c6dd7_sharptools_io with version latest does not exist in the store
when I click on the repository entry :frowning:

What troubleshooting steps have you tried so far?

And can you share more details about your environment and exactly what step you saw the error at?

:information_source: Per the installation guide, after adding the repository to Home Assistant, you may need to tap the ... in the top-right corner of the add-on screen and tap reload, then wait 30-60 seconds to see if the items from the repository show up.

I started again and now have ‘SharpTools.io’ showing up in the HA sidebar, but clicking on it, it shows HA Websocket with a green circle, but 'SharpTools.io - red circle.
To get to this, point I went:
In ST - Manage Connections > Select Platform > HA, which switches me to my HA account then
Add //github.com/sharptools-io/hass-addons.git > click on Add
After some blue circling I now see SharpTools Add-ons at the bottom entry of the HA Add-on Store.
I clicked on it and it asked whether I want it to start on boot, a Watchdog (whatever that is) and if I want to see it in the HA sidebar.
Returning to ST, HA remains unchecked as a platform & I can’t access any of the HA entities.

All sorted now: the problem was my browser preventing pop-ups. Thanks for your patience! - all is working well :slight_smile:

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