Alternative Feature Request
Note that there is a more simplified, straight-forward request for being able to create scalable dashboards by defining how many tiles wide a dashboard is.Feature Request: Scalable dashboards - fixed number of tiles wide
You may want to consider voting on that topic as it may prove to be a more straightforward implementation (and thus more likely to be implemented at a lower vote count), and solves the core issue of designing a single dashboard that scales across devices of different sizes
This particular feature request is for the ability to design a dashboard using a fixed canvas - this would allow the ability to position tiles freely anywhere on the canvas without being restricted to a fixed grid and the dashboard could also scale to different device sizes when viewed.
The free-positioning of tiles would also enable you to overlap or layer tiles for potentially interesting effects.
As alluded to above, this is a significant redesign of how dashboards are currently implemented and would likely require a significant level of interest.
Use Cases / Examples / Problems
We are looking for user feedback on what use-cases you have in mind for a fixed canvas design. For example, are there specific things that layering tiles would help you achieve? Or things that free-form positioning of tiles (without being constricted to a grid) would help you achieve or problems that it would solve?
If you vote on this topic, please share what use cases or problems this feature would help with.