Feature Request: Rule Engine Hide/Show Tile

Thanks for the feedback, Bill, and my apologies if the provided links and high-level explanation weren’t helpful.

If you haven’t already, I would recommend taking a look at the Themes and Styles post linked above. It describes the concepts behind Themes and Styles, but perhaps more importantly has some links to relevant knowledge base articles toward the bottom.

As Justin alluded to, you can use a completely transparent color as the background and foreground color for your tile (and hide the shadow) which will make it disappear.

Here’s a brief video demo showing how you can use an inline style to set the tile to transparent when it is active (eg. Armed Home, Armed Away) and a style of your choice when it’s Disarmed (eg. Default):


Note that even though the tile is transparent, it technically still exists and can still be tapped, so if you don’t want people to be able to control things, I would check the box next to Security in the tile settings and choose either ‘View Only’ or ‘PIN Protected’ depending on your desired goal.

Note that the security setting applies to the tile as a whole, regardless of the ‘state’ of the tile.

If you don’t want to adjust the security settings of the tile and you just want the tile to not be clickable when it’s transparent, you can do that but it requires Custom CSS. I’m happy to share some steps on how to that too if you’d like. :smiley:

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