Family Wall Calender

Hi, is it possible to put Family Wall Calender in dashboard?

As long as you can get an iCal compatible URL for it, then you should be able to add it:

The integration was/is not the problem. However, not all or only 2 entries are displayed for me. Where can I configure this? Regards Uwe

The calendar shows the next ~7 days of events.

Keep in mind that depending on the calendar integration you are using, some ‘shared’ calendar entries like items from family calendars might have their own calendar URL.

Hello… thanks for the tip about the 7 days. But I still have a display problem every now and then. The best example is that there is a birthday in the calendar tomorrow, but it is not currently displayed. Tomorrow, when the event occurs, it will be displayed. That’s strange, isn’t it? Kind regards, Uwe

That depends on your calendar feed. It would have to include the birthday entry in the iCal feed and be scheduled in the next 7 days.