Delay Countdown & What's in your dashboard?

I have a variety of dashboards for different needs, but I’m really enjoying the new calendar and RSS feed integrations for my wall mounted dashboards. I’ve started making my wall mounted dashboards a bit more ‘sparse’ so I can enjoy the background images while still having quick access to ‘at a glance’ information and quick frequently controlled devices/rules.

(Borrowing from the dashboard backgrounds release thread as an example)

For example, on my phone, I have one dashboard I primarily use as a navigation screen - it has some high level information like weather, time, and quick controls for mode/HSM… then the other tiles are dashboard tiles that link to other dashboards for controlling specific things. For example, my ‘security’ items are on one dashboard with PIN protection - eg. locks/garage doors.

For my wall mounted dashboards, I’ve gone through several different designs. There’s some cool examples in this thread: