Count up or Down Timer with tons of options. So you can do things like set how many days before you want to change a sink filter or just monitor how long its been, or time since anything. Or set a count down till a vacation day. The resolution is Weeks, Days or Days+Hours. It does not rely on any hub connections, it runs in the browser. When the time is reach it displays “EXPIRED”. Example can look like this or what ever message or color you want.
The dash board tile editor has the basic setting plus lots of timer relevant settings:
Get this timer which can do both Up/Down and lots more options. Has weeks, can edit expired message, change font color, change expired tile format, reset button, etc…
Old, May 2021, updates not supported:
Download Links: (Both Depreciated, get the one above instead.) Count Up Timer Count Down Timer
Click the timer link, it will load in sharptools developers. Scroll down to the bottom and save.
Go to Dashboard / Edit / Add Thing / Other / Custom Tile / Timer tile. The go to the tile and edit, set your settings. Done. If things get weird after saving tile then refresh the browser and it should recover.
- I’ve just found this post after spending 10 minutes on Hubitat - creating a daysLeft variable, creating a connector, creating a rule in RM to deduct a day at 1 minute past midnight, authorising that thing to SharpTools, then adding the tile. Maybe I should’ve searched the forum here first
Interesting, the Tile editor / Style wont change the content color. Go to Account / Developer tools / custom tiles. Open the Countdown or Count Up timer HTML. Find this area in the code
Add the line I highlighted above. Change to what ever color you want using the color text or HEX code. Hit “Update” at the bottom.
You can keep the line there and uncomment it if you don’t want to use it by surrounding that line with /* … */
I will add for next github download with it commented out, whenever that is.
This is great. I’m now using the Count Down Timer to mark how long until our next trip away. My wife asked (blame her, not me ) if the options could be expanded to show weeks and days? A big number (currently 50) is a bit more depressing than 7 weeks 1 day, when you’re looking forward to something!
one last dumb question…I’m new to this. At the end of the countdown cycle, is there anyway I can have the tile change color or pulse? I’m using them to let me know when to change out the aair handler and humidifier filters in my house. Sad thing is, I’m an HVAC tech.
Not sure what’s happening on mine. I’ve selected May 22 as target date, but if I select the checkbox for “Show weeks and days” it’s showing 25 mins. It’s currently 25 mins to midnight so it seems to have ignored the date input (I observed the format correctly)
OK, I think I know the issue. Its switching the from Weeks+days to days only if < 1 week, and so on if < 1day to hr only and the order is wrong so if the hour unit is <1 it wont print the weeks or days. Give me some time to figure and correct it.
The issue should be fixed now. And when you select weeks+days if it gets to <1 week it will change to days+hours and so on. Same for the days+hours, if < 1day it will go to hour+min. You need upload latest code. Delete the old custom tile HTML and hit that link again, or see if that update thing works which I cant seem to find.
@kampto I updated and the display shows correctly in weeks and days. I think something may still be amiss however. I’ve set the new tile to a target date time as shown:
It displayed when set at 6 Weeks 6 Days which was correct at the time but it is not counting down - so is still showing the same after a couple of days.