Complete Noob - How to automate Samsung TV (connected to Smartthings) to open a certain Youtube link or playlist in the Youtube app?

Hey everyone!

We have recently purchased a Samsung 50" Crystal UHD 4K BU8100 Smart TV. My grandmother wants to watch a religious channel that does live streaming on Youtube everyday at 5 AM. I used the Samsung SmartThings app on my phone to automatically turn the TV on at 5AM everyday. Now, all that’s left is for it to automatically play the video from the Youtube playlist through the Youtube app. If that’s not possible, then maybe opening the link to the said Youtube playlist through the internet browser? How can I use SharpTools to achieve such automation? Would it be possible? If so, I am asking for your assistance and patience as I am a complete noob with regards to these things.

Thanks a lot!

There’s been a few discussions about controlling advanced features of Samsung TVs recently. These devices seem to expose some neat commands in SmartThings, but unfortunately Samsung hasn’t documented them, so it’s unclear if you even can control some of those advanced features:

I’m a complete noob so I don’t get the posts, I’m sorry. Also, would it be possible to send a URL or Hyperlink to the TV via SharpTools so that it would automatically open in the TV?

This is one of those automations that seems simple at the surface level, but doesn’t use any standardized commands, so it ends up putting you into the more advanced / undocumented space with SmartThings.

I don’t have a Samsung TV to test with, so I won’t be much help, but I’ll leave this open in case any other community members have Samsung TVs and have any ideas. :slight_smile:

For anyone with the technical chops, it seems like some people figured it out over in the Home Assistant community. I’m wondering if the action could be reproduced in SmartThings (see below)

From the first link, it seems like they’re sending a HTTP command to:

  • Method: POST
  • URL: http://yoursamsungtvlocalip:8080/ws/apps/YouTube
  • Content-Type: text/plain
  • Payload: v=RsZDdNDiq7Y
    • Any valid YouTube Video ID

They mentioned that it asks for confirmation on screen if you want to play the video and they automate that part too with a separate HASS integration, but I would be interested if even the first part works.

I suspect that you could use the Web Requestor Driver in SmartThings to send this specially formatted request to the TV.