Can we force a hub re-sync?

is there a way to force a re-sync? my blinds dont seem to get a battery level update when i force a refresh. a full resync does get new battery levels. is there a programmable way to force a full re-sync of devices?

You can go through the authorization process again to force a complete resync.

The better question is why aren’t the battery levels updating? Can you share more details about your setup?

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sorry i didnt notice the reply! i have Smartwings blinds connected through Smarththings. When they pull into sharptools they bring battery info, but this battery info doesnt seems to actually update at any regular interval. its like it gets the battery level once and then never again unless i do a full resync. smartthings shows the correct battery level, sharptools doesnt.

edit nevermind im not sure what happened but when i finally went back to my blinds dashboard it looks like its actually gettting the battery levels correct now…

edit 2: on testing it seems some are correct, but one i just added shows 100% battery when smartthings says 86%. thats one i just added to the dash. does it take some time to update itself? i’ll check it again tomorrow. I dont need up to the second battery life, just daily is fine so i know when they are running low.

When you add a device to a dashboard and save the changes, the system should try to setup the appropriate event subscriptions under the hood. And if there are new event subscriptions, it should try a full device sync (though it’s possible that the device sync isn’t happening).

With something like a switch, it’s easy to verify that the event subscriptions are setup as you can just toggle the switch and watch for the status to update. For a battery, you unfortunately have to wait for the next battery update.

I would also note that there’s a healthcheck behind the scenes which will automatically try to setup any missing event subscriptions when you refresh page. So for something like a switch where you can easily test the status updates, if you don’t see the status updates occurring as expected, it’s usually just a matter of refreshing the page so it runs the healthcheck in the background.

In the case that it’s just the device sync that isn’t happening, you can always run through the device authorization process again starting from your SharpTools User Page → Manage Connections to force a fresh device sync after adding the batteries.