Bug Report: Lock Rule Never Fires

James, I know you are the Rules guy. I have a rule shown below that never fires.

It was previously on a timer but I removed that and now invoke it from the dashboard.
SmartThings says both conditions are true (door closed (@FrontDoor) & door unlocked (Front Door) and yet the door does not lock and I never get an eMail which should occur in either branch.

Tagging @James for awareness.

@Gary_Milne, sorry to hear that it’s not working for you. Can you manually trigger it again from your dashboard, and send the rule ID (in the end of the URL when you edit the rule) and the time you triggered to support@sharptools.io? So I can investigate into this. From the rule screenshot you posted, it doesn’t make sense to me that you didn’t receive any email.

@Gary_Milne, just noticed that the flow screenshot you posted seems to be within another If_Condition’s Then or Else path (the background color outside the If Condition is white, instead of dark gray). Can you please verify if this is the case, and if you can test this posted flow again without the parent condition? So we can have better idea which condition check was causing the issue.