Blink caratteri

Good morning, I am asking for the possibility to insert blink or pulse for characters.
Example: temperature detected by in sensor too high, I make the rule that blinks the displayed value.
Thank you

Original (Italian)
Buongiorno, vi chiedo la possibilita di inserire il blink o il pulse per i caratteri.
Esempio: la temperatura rilevata da in sensore troppo alta, faccio la regola cheblampeggia il valore visualizzato.

Thanks for the feedback. Am I understanding correctly that you were hoping to use the same type of icon animations that are available within Theme Styles such as ‘Blink’ and ‘Pulse’ but have those apply to text tiles?

In the meantime, a workaround would be to add an icon to your tile and use one of the Icon Animation effects in your chosen style.

Icon Animation

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Ooook ottimo, ho capito, grazie del prezioso consiglio!!!