Blinds reliability issue and battery status

I installed 4 ikea blinds and made a rule to control them by pressing 3 buttons on super tile (down, pause, up). the problem is sometimes 3 of 4 blinds work, and then I have to try again to get the last to work. I am not sure why they dont always work all the time.

The other issue is the battery life doesn’t seem accurate. and 2 of the battery indicators do not even display the “%” sign. they are all setup the same in the super tile. see screenshot.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions for these issues.


Connected to SmartThings? Are they all using the same driver?

Yes. They are on smartthings. I am not sure how to check the driver. when i log into smartthing from my PC I just see this info for one of the blinds.

I found the Zigbee Window Treatment MC Edge driver here, works much better and shows the battery levels.

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thanks. I installed the driver and activated it for the devices. now I can see all the % signs on my dashboard. but should I be able to see current states in smartthings? the battery levels do not seem right but I will take this one step at a time


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The IDE isn’t accurate anymore. Do the battery levels show in the smartthigns app?

The battery levels are showed in the smartthings app but currently all 4 blinds say 48% which is suspicious.

FYI my blinds batteries seem to be accurately displayed now


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