Beta Testers Requested!

Thanks for the interest. All beta access requests have been processed. :partying_face:

I am interested in becoming a beta tester. Just started playing around with the system yesterday and love it so far. Thanks in advance for the opportunity.

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Also interested in beta testing. Thanks.

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Please add me. I’d like to help make this app better.

Please add me to the beta program. I’m on the beta with Hubitat so will hopefully notice issues if any occurs with their updates.

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Count me in as well if it’s not too late. Thank you!

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Im in :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the interest. All of the pending beta access requests have been processed.

Hi. I would love to participate also. How does one sign up?

Normally just reach out to @support via PM here on the community to request access. :slight_smile:

I’ve gone ahead and added you to the beta group so you have access now. Make sure to review the FAQ listed above!

I am interested in Beta testing as well. Thanks.

Would love to help with the beta

Add me if you still have room…
