Background network disconnected - Reload

Samsung S22+

Samsung Internet Browser

Not sure what that is… Is that the shortcut for the dashboard? If so Yes.

My Dashboard is always on on a Windows PC that sleeps on a regular basis. I’ve not seen it there.

My wife has the same phone. She saw the same message as well as the socket message this morning. She was leaving through the garage. She could not get the garage doors (either of them) to open with her phone dashboard. She had to use the wall switch. I suspect she pressed many times. About 5 minutes after she left, the garage doors went crazy. Opening partially, closing partially, opening fully, etc. This happened for about 2 minutes. Is it storing her presses and triggering after those messages go away?
She most likely would be transitioning from WIFI to cellular in the driveway.

No. It doesn’t store the commands. It sends the request and it either succeeds, fails, or times out. It should have timed out well before the 5 minutes though, so that timing is a bit odd.

If it happens again and you want me to look into it, send a note to with the relevant device ID and approximate time and time zone.

Just an update that we rolled back the front end change that includes the background worker and socket connection.

If any of you are part of the beta program or would like to join, I would love your help in figuring out how to reproduce this consistently. :pray:

I’m in the Beta. I’ll keep an eye out and activly try to reproduce.

I did’t think so, but I can see her in my minds eye pushing like a mad woman…

The 5 minutes might be key as we have a poor cell signal from the driveway to about 5 minutes away. I was thinking that maybe when she actually drove into better coverage it started triggering her madness!!! LOL

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I’m also getting these messages many times per day on my Fire tablets. They hang there for sometimes and hour and they obscure content. I use Fully Kiosk browser.

Sorry, I’ve been away most of the day. This is occurring on a Fire tablet running fully kiosk. I noticed this morning and it has reoccurred 3 more times.

Which messages? If you were getting only the socket disconnect message, that points to potential instability with the network connection. If you’re seeing the ‘Background worker disconnected’ message, that would be interesting as I’m not seeing that on any of the Fire Tablets with Fully Kiosk I’ve tested with. It would be helpful to get some additional hardware/version details. (Fully Kiosk → Settings → Other Settings → Device Info)

Same question on details. I’m also curious what kind of settings you have in place for Fully Kiosk. Is it set to lock the screen or some other idle / screensaver type of approach?

Just to reiterate that we rolled this change back earlier today, so you should be able to refresh the page in your browser to pull in the rolledback version. (Try ‘Go to Start URL’ in Fully Kiosk or clear the cache in Fully if it’s holding onto the new version and you don’t have the navigation bar or pull-to-refresh enabled)

I’m seeing both messages.
I’m also having problems with the fully kiosk wake on camera and wake on microphone that started about the same time. Have not been able to prove a connection.

Additionally I don’t think I have network issues. My network is stable and there is strong wifi at both devices.

That rollback is not working for me. Still have the problem occurring, even after device reboot. The first time I saw this issue was about 3 days ago.

I was getting the message on my phone (Android Samsung S10e using ‘Add to Homescreen’) typically when I was in my garden, but I am not getting it at the moment.
However, I am now seeing it on my laptop (Windows 11 Pro) running in Firefox. The message is ‘Worker Disconnected (beta) [RELOAD]’
(I do not think I am on the beta program).
The Sharp Tools dashboard is in a separate tab I keep open whenever the laptop is on, but I’m afraid I cannot give much information about when the message appeared.
Pressing ‘RELOAD’ does reload the page.
Probably not a lot of hep I;m afraid, but let me know if there is anything you want me to try.

Same here . Huawei tablet… Homey Pro 23…Kiosk browser, randomly message… jpeg weather not reload… :thinking::thinking:.
Regards Jim… Denmark

@brian.ratter @jimsteenfeldt @aliaspete55
As noted above, we rolled back this change. In most browsers, you should just need to refresh the page to pull in the rolled back version.

Some browsers, like Fully Kiosk, tend to cache pages longer than they should and you may need to clear the cache/data in your browser. Rebooting the device will not help as it’s the browser that has cached the page.

How To Clear Cache

The following page has a pretty decent summary of clearing the cache in most browsers:

Fully Kiosk: Clear Cache

On Fully Kiosk, you should be able to slide out the Fully Kiosk left navigation drawer and select ‘Privacy Check’, then check the boxes and tap Delete. After it’s done refresh the page or slide out the left navigation drawer and select 'Go to Start URL.

Verify Rollback

To verify that you’re rolled back to the previous version, you can:

  1. Navigate to your User Page
    • Open the Account Menu in the top right and select View Account
  2. Tap the Manage Account option in the User Card
  3. Verify that there is no version listed below the table

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Thanks Josh, I restarted the page and checked the version - no version is showing and no re-occurrence.

Saw this flash up yesterday also in the am. Two iPad Pros running the latest beta IOS

For those of you that had trouble when this feature was available in production, we’ve pushed out a number of improvements and enhancements related to this in beta. If you are willing to give things a try in beta, I would love your feedback if everything is working well for you in the beta version! :pray:

Please PM me if you are interesting in trying the updates and I’ll get you access.

Hi Josh.
just to let you know, that since i cleared cache, I have had no problems :smile:
So thank you very much
Regards Jim

Thanks for the feedback! Did you see my PM a few days ago about the beta version? I would love your feedback on if things are working well with that version too! :pray: