Analog Clock - Custom Tile

I’m one of those weirdos who doesn’t like Digital clocks (long story). Is there any way to get an analog clock face?


How about something like the following?

:arrow_double_down: Import Analog Clock Custom Tile


You can add it to your dashboard and customize the style of the tile to have a transparent background and no shadow to make it blend in a bit more seamlessly too:



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The initial release had a bug where the hours animation was applied twice. I just pushed a version which I believe should resolve the issue.

:page_facing_up: How To Update Custom Tile

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Perfect, thank you!,

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I’m using this, thanks.

Periodically the second hand animation seems to get stuck. It will bounce to the next second then jump back to prior to the 12 position. I don’t have enough data points yet to see if there’s a pattern.

When it happens the problem occurs on Chrome on a Mac, Echo 15 running Fully Kiosk and Safari on an iPad at the same time.

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Thanks. If it happens consistently at a specific time (eg. always on the hour or always during the noon hour or something like that), let me know what time that is and I’ll take a closer look.

There’s a little bit of logic in there to temporarily pause the ‘animations’ on the hands when the time ticks over from 360° back across to 0° to avoid a weird animation effect where the hands would spin all the way around to their new position (eg. 59s→60s = 0s), so I suspect there’s some edge case I missed there.

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It just happened on the hour at 4:00pm. It corrects after the next minute passes.

UPDATE: Confirmed it’s an issue at the top of each hour. I’ve looked at the code and can see what you were referring to but it’s beyond me to fix.

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I just pushed an update which should fix this. Thanks again for reporting and the initial troubleshooting to identify how to reproduce the issue!

Confirmed fixed. Thanks Josh!