ADT Pulse arm/disarm in Dashboard

I’m guessing the answer is no, but has anyone figured out a way to Arm/Disarm their ADT alarm system on their dashboard?

I have ADT Pulse. One would think it is potentially possible, but likely blocked by ADT.

I don’t personally use ADT, but I vaguely recall people using third-party hardware like Envisalink or Konnected to interact with their alarm hardware.

Thanks. I’ll check those out!


The Envisalink was the solution for me. I have an older vista series controller and they make a device to do exactly this. Was pretty straight forward to install, get integrated into SmartThings and then get integrated into SharpTools. I was able to quickly make some variables that let me display alarm status and also turn my alarm on/off. They are crude at the moment, but a quick test to see if the function was there…and it is! Now I just need to sort a way to make everything prettier.

As always, greatly appreciate your help Josh!!!

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