I have a netatmo camera. The live stream URL is on a http://192.x.x.x/live/high/index.m3u8 problem is that you cannot seem to add m3u8 streams as a tile. What is the way round this? I’ve had a look at the index.m3u8 playlist file and it’s content is as follows:
I do have the ability to get a live screenshot directly from the camera URL by going to /live/screenshot_720.jpg but if i’m trying to watch my camera that will be a bit weird if i had refresh rate set high. So question with the screenshot refresh option. lets say i put refresh at 1 second this will refresh the pic from my cameras local ip directly. But when the device screensaver kicks in with the fully kiosk screensaver option, does SharpTools continue to be refreshing at this rate even though the screensaver is on?
I assume you have set the dashboard url as the Fully Kiosk browser’s screensaver web url, so that dashboard web page is displayed as screensaver and will refresh at the rate you specified rate. You can always create a separate dashboard with another media and higher refresh rate to be displayed as screensaver if that’s what you want to achieve.
Just in case you haven’t seen other community posts yet, TinyCam and Blue Iris are commonly used to feed the MJPEG source to the media tile for the better “streaming” experience, so you might be interested to these posts as well.
I haven’t used dashboard URL as a screensaver. My screensaver is just a set of photos. But my question was does the dashboard UI continue to run in the background when screensaver is on? Like will the cam refresh even though it’s on screensaver
As James mentioned, the Media TIles require a compatible format (MJPEG, JPEG, GIF, etc) and using an NVR like Blue Iris or TinyCam is a great approach to getting a compatible stream into your dashboards.
I wanted to throw another option out there for you. You could use the Media Tile along with the snapshot URL you mentioned (at a slower rate)… then set the action of the Media Tile to open a Hyperlink for an app that streams the camera (eg. TinyCam or the camera’s native app). That way you get a high level view of what’s happening and can click on it to get a live stream.
The format for opening an app from a Media Tile hyperlink action is the same as a Hyperlink Tile: