Adding a script to a dashboard?

Hello, I am new to the community and just purchased the sharptools product. In the midst of working on the dashboard I came across a weather widget that was interesting to use from The only thing available to embed this is a script but I didn’t see a way for a script to be added to the dashboard in anyway.

Has anyone done this and if so are there any good guides to show how this can be done?


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Welcome Ron!
Sharptools is the best. Great product but what makes it the best is the support from James and Josh!
To add something like the weather widget you crest a media tile.thats where you are able to manage scripts and what not.
Go to your main page and find manage resources, then media tiles and create a new one. From there you can add what you need to get the media tile to he a weather widget.


Welcome to the community and thanks for posting! The weather site would need to provide the forecast in an image format.

A popular solution is to use the widget from Free Weather Widget for your Website or Blog - Meteored

There’s lots of configuration options available to customize it as you see fit.

One thing that’s not immediately obvious when configuring, is you can set the frame and background to transparent and then use white for the text if you want your dashboard background to show through a bit:


You may also want to refer to our help article on weather options for other options and ideas:

Thanks for the quick replies. I did previously try the weather widget one Josh has shown using the article but I was not all the crazy about it. I like the one from but after you customize it you only get an html/script option as such:

<a class="weatherwidget-io" href="" data-label_1="local weather" data-label_2="WEATHER" data-font="Roboto" data-icons="Climacons Animated" >local weather</a>

I can’t seem to find how you can add this to the dashboard using media tiles or any other type of tile.

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i am also interested in adding a currency exchange rate tile in my dashboard but can only be added as a script. is there any way to add a script?

Are you looking to show a specific exchange rate? If so, which currencies?

We’ve done something similar for Corn commodities pricing and BTC-USD exchange rates before:

thanks again Josh, usd to php (philippine peso). i am currently in the philippines and i check the dollar exchange rate every now and then. it will be so much easier to check on it on my dashboard.

I posted an example in the other thread (to try to keep all the similar type of examples together):


:link: How to create currency exchange rate tile (USD to PHP)

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