Add a Virtual Number Category

I have a Ambient weather Station that generates a lot of information that some of the info. I am forced to create a Virtual temperature sensor to create a device. For example I created a RainedInADaycounter that generates a specific number, however to create that number in Hubitat, I have to set the device up as a virtual temperature sensor. The problem is,Sharptools wants to display that number as a temperature with F symbol after the number.
Is there a way to create a new tile format that just allows a number?
OR I tried to make a virtual humidity sensor in Hubitat and I get a specific number generated on like how many times it rained today, but when I try to add that device into sharptools connection, there is no specific Humidity sensor category to assign the Hubitat virtual humidity sensor to.
Any chance that this could be done so I can have just a number without a F or if I would create a virtual humidity sensor that there would be a category of Humidity to allow that connection?

Virtual Number Category Possibilities:
Counter tile, show how many times a device was activated (door open, bulb turned off/on, length of time etc.)

Here is further request and clarification:

If it’s setup as a Temperature Sensor device, it will default to using the Temperature Sensor Tile layout but you can choose a different tile layout.

For example, you could switch to the Hero Attribute Tile layout which lets you display whatever attribute you want with more control over the units:

And if you need even more control over the layout, for example to mix and match data from multiple attributes or even multiple devices, you can use a Super Tile:

Why are you forced to create a Virtual Temperature Sensor device in the first place? If the Ambient Weather device has attributes with your desired values, you can use those directly in a Hero Attribute Tile layout or a Super Tile in SharpTools.

If you’re coming from ActionTiles, this may be a bit different than you’re used to as ActionTiles is limited to specific capabilities and tile layouts. SharpTools is different in that it supports multiple capabilities and layouts including custom capabilities and layouts. :sunglasses:

As for the humidity approach, as long as the device has one of the other core capabilities supported for authorization, you can select the device under that capability section.

Otherwise you can authorize it manually as long as it has a generic Sensor, Actuator, or Refresh capability.

Make sure to check the links I shared above. If one or more of the devices exposes an attribute you are interested in, you can use it directly in SharpTools using a Hero Attribute Tile layout (or a Super Tile).

Josh, thanks much. I already use super tiles and hero attributes extensively. I don’t have coding skills but will check out if there are any examples on the forum that I might be able to copy.
You may have seen my dashboard on the forum recently as it shows how I have integrated a lot of my weather data onto my dashboard
I really appreciate all the work you put in on the forum

Hi JD - thanks for the update. Just to clarify that you don’t need any coding skills to use the Hero Attribute Tile layout. It’s all point and click configuration as you likely experienced before. :slight_smile:

Make sure to check the article I linked above as it shows how you can change the Tile Layout of an existing device that you added to a dashboard to use the Hero Attribute Tile Layout instead of the default layout.

If the device is authorized to SharpTools and exposes the attributes you mentioned, I don’t understand why you can’t use a Hero Attribute Tile or Super Tile directly? You shouldn’t need any extra WebCoRE rules or special programming or anything. If the device directly exposes the attribute, you should be able to use it in SharpTools.

Yes I know how to use hero attributes and use the quite a bit. It’s Custom tiles that I have not done as it appears you need to have coding skills for that. Hopefully the forum might have some sample custom tiles that I could see the coding behind them.