Ability to compare the state or value of multiple devices

Maybe I am just missing it… But, I can’t find any way to compare one device to another. For instance - If temp sensor a is greater than temp sensor b, do action a…

I have numerous Keen vents that run off of Webcore pistons which compare the temperature of a temp sensor, the temp of the vent (so I know if the heat or a/c is running) and the heat and cool setpoints of my Ecobee thermostat to open or close the vent.

With the Smartthings - Webcore integration going away, I am trying to see if I can replicate them in sharptools instead of abandoning Smartthings and I am coming up short…

I store certain states in variables and compare sensor A against variable B

Even moreso lately with the expressions beta so I can add offsets to the sensors before comparing them.