A technical question

Is there a way to somehow communicate with a variable? I want to send text to a variable from a mobile phone. Like a grocery list or something. Like sent “milk” and it would be added to the list.
It would be cool to present it on a sticky note or something.
A haven’t think this through, so maybe it’s a stupid idea.
Best regards, Bosse

You can use an HTTP Trigger in a rule and then update your variable in the rule flow as you see fit.

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Not a direct answer to your question but if you’re actually trying to easily build a grocery list take a look at Our Groceries. It’s a free app IOS and Android. It’s Alexa enabled so easy to add to the list by voice. It syncs with any other user you add to your account.

A cool use is to create a geofence around your favorite store and trigger a message to your spouse you’re at the store and to add anything you need to the Our Groceries app. The app syncs with all users Immediately.

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Ok, maybe that’s the easiest way to go. I only have google nest smart speakers but maybe l need to test Alexa.
Thank you for your reply.