Weather Tile - Open Weather - Current and Forecast

That worked Josh - Weather Widget displays again after running your update. However, I’d now like to be able to edit this tile’s style (defaults to a solid blue background) to match the color/opacity style I had before in order to match my other Dashboard elements.

When I do try to edit the color/opacity style of this (Custom) tile to match the other dashboard tile (Super & std. Thing tiles) via the tile editor - when saved, it doesn’t seem to take the change & stays with a default (solid blue) background. Is there a simple way to achieve this like I did for creating these other dashboard tiles? Is there a specific code line that needs to be modified? Other?
Thanks in advance for setting me straight.

There was a setting introduced back in the September 2023 update for this tile. Make sure you’re running the latest code and you can toggle that setting in each of your tile instances.

Weather Tile - Open Weather - Current and Forecast - #94 by josh

Toggle how? (Newbie here)
Is there a particular code line in the Open Weather custom tile I need to modify? Other?

It’s in the tiles settings on your dashboard.

Thanks Josh - you Da Man!!

How can I change “Varmeindeks” to “Føles som”?

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Hi my friend, I have no idea the meaning of the words but I changed some words from Open Weather making a rule that connects and extract all data to a set of variables. Then in the rule I changed some words, for example “nuboso” (cloudy) sound really strange in Spanish, I changed it by “nublado”. I hope this helps.

Thanks my friend. I will test this out.

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Wow, I was using this tile from 2021 or something like this, did not realize there is so mich progress has been done. As usual, kudos folks for such a great work. I was going to ask how do you configure layouts -:). In any case, I added Ambient Weather device, and got it sending all the data to hubitat, so this is great, however what will be the “right way” exposing my data vs. OpenWeather data on this tile. I understand I can copy all the data into variables and sprinkle them on my own Super Tile but thought maybe there is a better way of doing it.