Weather Tile - Open Weather - Current and Forecast

I just pushed an update which should resolve this. Thanks for reporting! :slight_smile:

That’s expected. The city name is only provided with the 2.5 Multi APIs. OpenWeather’s OneCall APIs don’t include the city information.

OpenWeather has a separate dedicated Reverse Geocoding API that I could use to add this information to the OneCall versions though. If there’s enough interest in it, I could add it.

I didn’t want to make one more API call that could increase the consumption of everyone’s API Keys, but I could probably cache and re-use the result as it’s not something that’s likely to change. :wink:

The OneCall APIs are generally preferred from a data quality perspective. The 2.5 Multi option is used as the default since everyone has access to it. This was discussed further up in the thread (1, 2). To summarize:

The 2.5 Multi approach:

  • Uses separate Current Weather and 5 day / 3 Hour Forecast APIs
  • The daily forecast values are aggregated from their 3 hour subcomponents
  • The high/low for the current day is missing, so it queries Open Meteo for this data

In other words, the OneCall versions are directly returning the daily forecasts and the current day’s high/low temperature. And the forecast is for 7 days instead of 5.


I’ve just pushed an update to the Open Weather Custom Tile which adds a new feature that grabs the more accurate Location Name from Open Weather (using their separate ‘geocoding’ API). You can update your copy of the custom tile as noted here:

:page_facing_up: How to use the ‘Update from Source’ option

The option to display the Location Name is enabled by default, but you can toggle it off if the geocoding API is returns an imperfect location name or you otherwise just don’t want to show the location name. This option only shows up when the ‘Today (Wide)’ layout is selected.

For anyone who is curious, this is the approach I ended up going with. I cache the result so we can re-use it without having to make the API call every time.

Hey @josh, I am not sure what happened but Sunrise/Sunset seems to be wrong again as originally reported by @Ken_Newhouse . Also, location does not seem to populate for me unless I revert to using the 2.5 multi.

Edit - I am using Today (Wide).

Make sure you are using the newest code updates (instructions linked above). That sounds like how the old version worked.

The new version shows an option for Show Location Name when you are using the Today Wide layout:

Yep, I pulled down the latest code this morning. I have location checked and using Today Wide. Also sunrise/sunset are both wrong. They say 9:57am/9:58 am.

I’ll try updating it again if this seems like just an issue for me.

Hm. Something does seem off with the OneCall versions. Let me take a look… seems like I might have messed up the commit somehow.

Edit: Okay, I’ve pushed another update which should fix the OneCall versions (sunset/sunrise and location name). You should be able to pull in the update again and see version 2023-09-23 at the top:

CleanShot 2023-09-23 at 15.51.52@2x

Thanks Josh! It works perfectly now. Appreciate you looking into it.

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This is great - fantastic support, as always!

Hi Josh, great that its now possible to add different layouts. Thank you for that.

I use Today (Mini), that looks good on my google nest hub. I would like to use Today (Wide). The problem is the additional informations looks small on my nest hub with Height 1x and Width 2x. Is there a way to make the writing bigger?

Or for the Today (Mini) tile, would it be possible to add also the condition name like „light rain“?


Can you share a photo of what you’re seeing? The 1x2 Today (Wide) font sizes look reasonable on the various devices I’ve used.

Have you considered using a larger tile? eg. 2x4 or 2x3 or whatever ends up looking good on that device?

Hello, I’m new around here and have been experimenting with this tile.

Can someone point me in the right direction with how to change the layout?

I running V 2023-09-23

Sorry, just found it. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Any option to change the time settings to 24hr instead of 12hr?

Also, is it possible to enable a transparent option for this tile?

Hi Josh

I sent you the picture with a direct message. I only want to use one or 2 tiles for the weather dashboard. On the dashboard (second tile) you can see, the writing is really small for the condition, sunrise etc.? That would be great a little bigger for the nest hub device.

And another question about the Today (Mini) tile, would it be possible to add also the condition name like „light rain“? That would be great, so I have all my important informations on 1 tile.

And another question, would it be possible to add the decimals like 11,7° (not only 11°)?


I’m heads down with some pretty major platform updates at the moment, so I don’t have the spare time at the moment to accommodate one-off requests. (There’s been many late nights up until 2-3 on the morning working on platform updates!)

That being said, the tile is open source so anyone with the requisite skills it welcome to make whatever adjustments they’d like.

Alternatively, there’s a thread of people who have been querying the Open Weather APIs directly so they can store the information in variables and build Super Tiles as they see fit that you might be interested in:

:link: Rules and Expressions with Open Weather API

Yes, this seems more like a bug that should get fixed.

I’ve noted the feedback. From a brief look, it seems like I wrote the logic to use the ‘locale’ reported by your browser, but it wasn’t implemented for some reason. I can’t recall off the top of my head if it was pulled out because there was a bug or why it isn’t used.

Did you uncheck the ‘Use Included Background’ option on the tile… that way it will use whatever background color you set in your Dashboard Theme or on the tile itself.

A couple of things. The correct latitude and longitude is set, but it says I’m in “Hunt County” but I’m in Collin County.

Next, I want to be able to set my own color for the tile. I see I can edit the code, but why is that necessary? Thanks.

The reverse geolocation is all being done by Open Weather. I would need more details to help.

:ring_buoy: Effective Ways to Seek Help and Troubleshoot

It’s not. The 2023-09-15 update made it so you could toggle the default background gradient in the settings and let the tile style show through.

I had missed the ‘use included background’ and tile now looks good, thanks.

As for the location stuff, my latitude and longitude is 33,-96. That is correct. I just woke up, will have to read your suggestions on how to give better details but not sure what more I can tell you.

That’s the default latitude and longitude that’s used if you do not configure the tile instance.

You’ll want to make sure you’ve edited the default latitude and longitude to your desired location.

I happen to live in the DFW area as well and I just used the closest rounded latitude and longitude as the defaults so I could quickly sanity check the values while I was developing so I didn’t have to keep entering the precise decimal precision of my location (I happen to be in Frisco, TX).

The geopoint of 33,-96 is within Hunt County.

When using the latitude, longitude finder here: using Wylie, Texas gave me 33, -96 but I needed to add the numbers after the decimal and it worked. Thought I could round it off but failed hard. Thanks.

What would I need to do to add an option to launch a dashboard from this tile. I use it in a small tile and would like to launch to another dashboard with more weather information. Thanks.