Weather Tile - Open Weather - Current and Forecast

What would I need to do to add an option to launch a dashboard from this tile. I use it in a small tile and would like to launch to another dashboard with more weather information. Thanks.

My weather tile suddenly went blank a few days ago and has continued to stay that way. I confirmed that my API key is active, tried updating the custom code, etc., but all I get is a blue square. I must be missing something … but right now my mind is blank, too. :wink:


Is it only happening on a particular device type?

For example, if it’s happening on your phone or tablet, are you able to reproduce the same issue on a laptop or desktop?

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Right after I posted, I thought to try it from another computer, and it’s working … so it’s definitely something on my end.

Should have thought to do that first, as I was already certain the problem had to be me since I was the only one complaining!

Is it only a single device or device type that’s impacted?

If it’s on a computer, you might be able to open your browser’s developer tools and watch the console logs when you try to load the custom tile to see if any error messages are reported.

9 posts were split to a new topic: Customization and Issue with Custom OW Tile

My weather tiles are not displaying today. I thought it might be related to the shutdown of their 2.5 API as I have been using that. But when I switched to the 3.0 option I still get nothing.

I never used the 3.0 option so not sure if this was ever working for me.

My hubitat connection appears to be ok. Is this just me? Thanks.

Ok, I think it is related to Adguard Home. I run all of my network through this and a recent update seems to have caused issues. I see a post on the home assistant GitHub about others having issues. Turning off Adguard did allow the page to load but then it seems to load fine from now on regardless of whether Adguard is running. So I can’t definitively point to this as the issue.

But while playing with this I noticed the API keys I have don’t support 3.0. And according to emails that OpenWeather is sending out the 2.5 API is being shut down in June and you need to provide a credit card for 3.0 API access with 1000 free hits a day. This may have been discussed elsewhere but I couldn’t find anything on this. I am going to register but curious how many hits this tile is making to the API per day?

Thanks for sharing the update!

I wasn’t aware of that. Thanks for the heads up.

Open Weather requires having a card on file for the 3.0 OneCall API, but you can set a limit on the number of API calls. Many community members are setting their limit to the 1000 free calls per day.

Reading through this link about the OneCall 2.5 → 3.0 transition I found on their site, it sounds like this only impacts the OneCall 2.5 API. It doesn’t seem like it will impact the “2.5 Multi” option in the Custom Tile but that approach has some limitations.

It’s been a while since I looked at this, so I did a quick search of this thread (and then double checked the code) and the default is a 3 hour refresh interval.

More details in this reply:

I’m using the 2.5 to get the AQI in an http request. Any idea what Ill need to change the http request to to continue to get this?

Heres my current http call{{$lat}}&lon={{$lon}}&units=imperial&timezone=“American/Phoenix”&appid={{$openWeather2}}

I don’t see an option to cap the calls at a 1000? Their UI is a bit lacking. If you have any clues on how to find this I would appreciate it. Thanks.

This is what it looks like for me. Under the Billing Plans… or if I remember correctly, you are presented with this option when you first subscribe to the One Call 3.0 API.

Check the article from Open Weather that I linked above:

From what I make of it, it’s only the One Call 2.5 API that is impacted. All of the other 2.5 endpoints are not impacted by this.

In line with this, access to One Call API 2.5 will be finally closed in June 2024.

Please note that no other products are affected by this change, including other APIs that have ‘/2.5/’ section in their URL.

Thanks - I will bookmark this thread. I couldn’t find this page without typing \subscriptions into the address bar. Mine was conveniently set to a max of 2000 so I adjusted that down. Although it doesn’t seem to be an issue as this is my current usage:

My Openweather tile shows me nothing since today. Does everyone has the same problem?

Screenshot 2024-06-27 192501

Everything looks good:

It would be helpful to see any error messages that are logged in the browser console for the device that is having issues.

You also recently had issues with your Homey Custom Tiles having trouble communicating with the Homey API. This is similar in that the weather custom tile talks directly to the Open Weather API.

We’ll need to see the browser logs to really understand what’s happening, but I mention that since it could be a network connectivity / power saver issue on the tablet itself contributing to some of these issues (since you are having similar issues across two different types of Custom Tiles).

Hi Josh

Thank you. Yes I had problems with Homey custom tiles. I restarted everything at home and this worked again. Now, a few day later I have the problem with the Openweathermap tile, but the Homey tiles works than before.

The browser console looks like this:

Loading the app...
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 Heartbeat logger is setup
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 [SocketManager] SocketWorker is created.
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 [SocketManager::success] Initialized.
app-4a1d61b8.js:1 Requesting Location(s) health check on loading of page (app.js)...
e91tw3tsvpcrnIYMvCtt:1  [Deprecation]-ms-high-constrast is in the process of being deprecated. Please see for tips on updating to the new Forced Colors Mode standard.
e91tw3tsvpcrnIYMvCtt:1  [Deprecation]-ms-high-constrast is in the process of being deprecated. Please see for tips on updating to the new Forced Colors Mode standard.
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 [SocketManager::success] Successfully sent command connect
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 [SocketManager::message] hello
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 Received 'collection.set' for 'users' with 1 documents
tilesDashboard-cbfcd9bf.js:1 Requesting token cache refresh.
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 Received 'collection.set' for 'publicTokens' with 1 documents
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 Received 'collection.set' for 'media' with 2 documents
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 Received 'collection.set' for 'newsFeeds' with 2 documents
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 Received 'collection.set' for 'hyperlinks' with 1 documents
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 Received 'collection.set' for 'calendars' with 0 documents
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 Received 'collection.set' for 'locations' with 2 documents
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 Received 'collection.set' for 'variables' with 13 documents
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 Received 'collection.set' for 'dashboards' with 13 documents
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 Received 'collection.set' for 'themes' with 5 documents
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 Received 'collection.set' for 'rules' with 1 documents
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 Received 'collection.set' for 'things' with 55 documents
e91tw3tsvpcrnIYMvCtt:1  Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure element ''. This request was not upgraded to HTTPS because its URL's host is an IP address.
e91tw3tsvpcrnIYMvCtt:1  Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
modalDashboard-11fc41cb.js:31 Retrieved album search result Object
modalDashboard-11fc41cb.js:31  LASTFM: Could not find artist match for ZERB & Sofiya Nzau
getLastFmAlbumDetails @ modalDashboard-11fc41cb.js:31
modalDashboard-11fc41cb.js:31 Using image match via LastFM Object
stio-api-vendored-fdc8c235.js:1 subscriptionsHealthcheck
stio-api-vendored-fdc8c235.js:1 subscriptionCheck
        Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
render?v=3:28  Uncaught (in promise) Event
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 Received 'collection.set' for 'locations' with 2 documents
SocketManager-dbfcc657.js:1 Received 'collection.set' for 'things' with 55 documents
[NEU] Erläutern von Konsolenfehlern mithilfe von Copilot in Edge: Klicken Sie auf
         , um einen Fehler zu erklären.
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7Third-party cookie will be blocked in future Microsoft Edge versions as part of unpartitioned third-party cookie deprecation.
rxu9etVTf3ODDB27hAXE:1  [Deprecation]-ms-high-constrast is in the process of being deprecated. Please see for tips on updating to the new Forced Colors Mode standard.
rxu9etVTf3ODDB27hAXE:1  [Deprecation]-ms-high-constrast is in the process of being deprecated. Please see for tips on updating to the new Forced Colors Mode standard.

It’s a bit hard to tell based on the formatting, but I suspect this could be the issue. It looks like there’s a DNS resolution error displayed just before the Custom Tile render error.

It seems like your browser / device / network is failing to resolve a domain name. Is there anything unique about your network or internet setup? And are you using any network security apps or appliances on your device or network (eg. Pi Hole, VPN, etc.)

Same here. Trying to learn from others sequential steps to take to restore my weather widgets.

Mine went blank today as well

It looks like the host for one of the libraries that the tile uses is down. I’ve pushed an update which sources the file from another location which should resolve the issue.

You’ll need to update your Custom Tile to pull in the latest changes:

:page_facing_up: How to Update Custom Tile: Imported Code

Edit: I ran a script updating all Custom Tiles using this library with the replacement, so you shouldn’t need to manually run the update anymore. Just refresh the page in your browser to make sure everything is up to date. :slight_smile: