Weather Image Sources

Josh, thank you! I will look at this later today. What I am trying to do is with a latitude/longitude (or city / area) the lat/long could be inserted into the URL and the weather image would be available.

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I realize this is a VERY old topic, but I was wondering if anyone using the Weather Underground radar images has noticed that they are about a day old and are no longer “current”? Has anyone found a good replacement radar map for them? They were so simple. :frowning:


That is weird. I don’t personally used them, but I checked the steps above and even their website seems to be showing radars from ~1 day ago. :thinking:

I’ve seen some community members embedding - there’s some details (including a custom ‘Refreshable URL Embed’ custom tile) in the following thread:

[Wiki] Good Sites for Custom Tile URL

I went to their website as well and found the same issue.

I’ll check out I appreciate it!!!

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