Virtual Fan Controller Fan Speed Issues

Hello, I have a somewhat bizarre issue I’m hoping someone has some ideas on. I have 3 ceiling fans controlled by a Bond hub. I have a tile on my dashboard for each individual fan as well as a “master” tile that controls all 3 fans together that uses the Sharptools Virtual Fan Controller DTH. The Virtual Fan Controller is controlled via SmartThings automations that tell all 3 fans to go to the selected speed or turn off. Never had an issue with this master tile until recently.

The master tile still works, but now here’s what happens when I select each speed:



The really crazy part is that the Bond app shows that each fan speed still matches what is selected in the master tile, e.g., if I select Low on the tile, Bond shows that the fan is on Low, but the actual fan speed is High, so there is a disconnect between what Bond shows and the actual speed of the fan.

This only happens with the master tile, however. If I select each fan individually, everything still works perfectly. I was able to “fix” this issue by changing my SmartThings automations around to match the speed disconnect, so, for example, if I wanted the fans to be on High, the automation would tell the fans to go to Low.

While this worked, the problem is that since the Bond controller still shows whatever speed you select in the master tile, the individual tiles show the wrong speed when you do this. It’s not a huge issue, but does cause some confusion when others use the dashboard.

Anyone have any ideas on this? It’s almost like the Virtual Fan Controller DTH has begun to function backwards, but not sure what else to do to fix this.

Is that something I made? :thinking::laughing:

If it’s truly a Groovy DTH, you’ll probably want to start looking at an Edge Driver equivalent. Paul put together a nice list of Virtual Edge Drivers here that might be helpful:

After switching to an Edge Driver for the virtual master, if you still have trouble with the automation, it might be helpful to see some screenshots of the automation to see if there are any clues there.

Fixed! Turns out it was the SmartThings automations causing the problems. I realized this while creating new ones for the Edge driver you recommended. The automation was telling each fan to go to the selected speed AND turn on. I removed the “Turn On” instruction and all is working great now.

Thanks for your help with this as well as getting the Edge drivers set up, that’s something I still hadn’t done!

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Hi, you have a debugging tool. After performing the operation, go to the rule engine and open the log of the rule. Here you can track exactly what was done. This is how you find Bug. Successfully