Variables and WebCoRE

We also added some HTTP Request features for power users to the latest beta. We haven’t announced / documented these features yet, but they’d allow you to bypass the need for a Momentary Switch since WebCoRE has the option to trigger a Piston via HTTP.

In your WebCoRE piston, you’d copy the “External URL” (Right Click → Copy Link Address):

Then anywhere that you can use a Hyperlink in SharpTools (eg. a Hyperlink Tile or in the action for a Media Tile), you can use a special syntax for the URL which tells the system to make the request without actually opening the page in a new window:

$.get("", {"proxy": true})

For example, here’s a dashboard with:

  1. Hyperlink Tile (Decrease)
  2. Media Tile (Current Value, Tap to Reset)
  3. Hyperlink Tile (Increase)

Edit: The REST API Hyperlink Syntax feature is now released and you can find documentation on it here:

:link: How To: Call REST API from Hyperlink Tiles (Syntax)

Edit: And here’s the topic showing how you can display WebCoRE variables in SharpTools (what the media tile is doing in the screenshot above):

:link: How To: View WebCoRE Variables in SharpTools Dashboards