Time formatting

I’m trying to get the time in the following format: hh:mm:ss. For example, 7:01:02 PM

If i use the following in a rule

and then store it in a variable using

{{$context.response.data.hh}}:{{$context.response.data.mm}}:{{$context.response.data.ss}} {{$context.response.data.A}}

why does the data appear as

7:1:2 PM, without the leading zeros. I’m most concerned about them in the minutes and seconds fields.

Using the http request in the browser gives me the correct data.

“timezone”: “Canada/Eastern”,
“locale”: “en”,
“iso”: “2022-10-18T19:01:02-04:00”,
“utc”: “2022-10-18T23:01:02+00:00”,
“unix”: 1666134062,
“millis”: 1666134062798,
“daysInMonth”: 31,
“YY”: “22”,
“YYYY”: “2022”,
“M”: “10”,
“MM”: “10”,
“MMM”: “Oct”,
“MMMM”: “October”,
“D”: “18”,
“DD”: “18”,
“d”: “2”,
“dd”: “Tu”,
“ddd”: “Tue”,
“dddd”: “Tuesday”,
“H”: “19”,
“HH”: “19”,
“h”: “7”,
“hh”: “07”,
“m”: “1”,
“mm”: “01”,
“s”: “2”,
“ss”: “02”,
“SSS”: “798”,
“Z”: “-04:00”,
“ZZ”: “-0400”,
“A”: “PM”,
“a”: “pm”,
“w”: “43”,
“W”: “42”

Numeric strings are implicitly parsed as numbers.

At this point, I would recommend using the native Expression feature. You could format the current time using the expression:

formatDate(now(), 'hh:mm:ss A')

If you prefer to continue using the /date Labs endpoint, I would suggest passing in the format parameter like so:

Legacy Labs Approach

I’ve left this reply available for posterity sake, but we strongly recommend using the native expressions feature now.


You could then grab the formatted property off the response which includes the fully formatted string:

  "timezone": "Canada/Eastern",
  "locale": "en",
  "iso": "2022-10-18T19:36:48-04:00",
  "utc": "2022-10-18T23:36:48+00:00",
  "unix": 1666136208,
  "millis": 1666136208116,
  "daysInMonth": 31,
  "YY": "22",
  "YYYY": "2022",
  "M": "10",
  "MM": "10",
  "MMM": "Oct",
  "MMMM": "October",
  "D": "18",
  "DD": "18",
  "d": "2",
  "dd": "Tu",
  "ddd": "Tue",
  "dddd": "Tuesday",
  "H": "19",
  "HH": "19",
  "h": "7",
  "hh": "07",
  "m": "36",
  "mm": "36",
  "s": "48",
  "ss": "48",
  "SSS": "116",
  "Z": "-04:00",
  "ZZ": "-0400",
  "A": "PM",
  "a": "pm",
  "w": "43",
  "W": "42",
  "formatted": "07:36:48 PM"

The variable would be:

$context.response.data.formatted //07:36:48 PM