Suggestions on how to refresh weather widget?

TomorrowDOTio provides decent weather widgets that work relatively well in tiles but the only drawback is that they do not automatically refresh, and there is no refresh option in the tile itself like you would find if adding a media item.

For other code that provides an iframe, it has been easy enough to add some basic javascript to just refresh the iframe. I can add javascript to add an ID to the iframe, but there is no src for the iframe, and it is all handled by their own .js… My javascript is not great, but I have been able to try a number of things. The things that do seem to attempt a refresh result in an AUTHENTICATION FAILED message from SharpTools.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how it would be possible to refresh this specific tile every 30min?

(sorry, had to any code because only 2 links are allowed here apparently but even with links removed the error still pops up until you remove code…)

Have you reached out to the team to see if they have any suggestions on how to make their widget auto refresh? It looks like the main thing their script is doing is injecting their own iframe, so I suspect you could grab the URL for that and use it in a Refreshable iFrame Custom Tile.

For example, the Weather Widget with Upcoming Days for Brampton, ON, CA looks like a URL of:

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Have you reached out to the team to see if they have any suggestions on how to make their widget auto refresh?

Yes, they basically suggest doing basic javascript to reload which I have tried, but the challenge there is that the authentication failed message pops up.

Would this be solved having a refresh interval setting for the custom tile itself that would refresh the SharpTools iframe?

I’ve run out of ideas so for now I’ve switched to WeatherWidget and used your suggestion for the refresh. Not the widget I want, but will work until I can possibly work out a solution.