Sharptools rules vs SmartThings routines

Hi there!

Are SHarptools rules effectively a superset of native SmartThings routines? Any reason to use the latter? Thanks!


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Here is an example routine I have in smart things. I have a few of these. Basically changing modes when sunset happens etc. would these be better moved to rules on sharp tools? Just trying to figure out which to use when.

I’m new to the platform and just getting setup now!


Hi @Matt_B, welcome to the community. SharpTools Rule Engine is different from the SmartThings Routine. People may create routines for the simple automation needs, but you can create more complex rules with Rule Engine. You can define multiple triggers for a rule, so it can be kicked off when any of the trigger conditions is matched. You can also add rule to the dashboard if you want to run several actions with one tap (like scene but you can add conditions in rules). You can also do more with rule like kicking off IFTTT applet using rule HTTP actions, or automate devices across different SmartThings locations or different platforms.


@James thank you sir!


Hi my friend, I think main (and maybe the only) reason to make routines in Smartthings app is internet connection, In ST you can get local working (local devices and future Edge drivers), while Sharptools need internet connection, In my case Im letting only Security Routines in ST App and the others in Sharptools, mainly those ones with more complexity, or that use special features Sharptools offer, like http routines to announce Alexa something, or send to Pushover messages…

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Will Sharptools automations ever be able to run locally?

“Never say never!”

We don’t have any immediate plans to introduce a local executing version of SharpTools, but with enough interest it’s certainly something we would consider. Back in 2019 we did some pilot work with SmartThings on their next-generation Rule API and their vision was for it to eventually introduce local execution. It took a few years, but they’ve been bringing more things locally, so if someone wants to create a feature request for it here in the community and enough people are interested in it, it’s certainly something we could revisit.

Keep in mind that SharpTools provides a superset of features compared to the Rule API, so you wouldn’t be able to use things like Variables or HTTP Triggers/Actions (which are possible in SharpTools Rules) via the SmartThings Rule API.


I use Sharptools for almost everything, it seems faster.
I don’t understand how or why, but I have a simple setup of a light that turns on when another one turns on.
Logic would dictate local, on hub execution would be fastest… But it’s painfully slow. Sharptools does it quicker.


I recently migrated to SharpTools from webCoRE and I’ve already noticed that routines run faster and devices respond quicker. I’ve tested simple routines on both SharpTools and the SmartThings Automations and in my case I haven’t really noticed any major difference in response times. I just prefer to stick to one interface so I’m not having to go back and forth with different routines. My internet has been very reliable so I don’t worry about it going off-line too much.


Glad to hear that things are working well! @James is the master architect behind the Rule Engine, so kudos to him!


Great thanks. What about having 2 sets. So one for more complex rules with complex variables etc that would likely be cloud driven, and then one for local rules as well? I’d certainly be keen on that and I’m sure others would too.
Given that Smarthings have this 200 limit on automations ( which is mental imo ) having Sharptools handle this would be outstanding.

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