[Resolved] SmartThings Intermittent "Unauthorized" errors in rule

For my Motion sensors I just went with True/False variables. Kind of a simulated motion. As you said, ACTIVE is always 100%, it’s INACTIVE that gets hung up.

So ACTIVE sets TRUE, followed by the time out period (20 seconds) delay, sets FALSE. Motion again will Set TRUE again. Not ideal, but beats garage lights on all night.

Seeing the same thing on rules that have fun forever. Samsung motion sensor and leviton switch

what is interesting is it fails and then trigger, but then the switch fails with the same issue

I think this option, but I’ll explain more clearly. My sharptools automations do not run. I log into sharptools and re-authorize smartthings and then they run again without issue. I have had to do this a few times this week

Since the automations are running fine after these steps there isn’t a reason to check the logs

Thanks for the clarification! That sounds like a different issue. In reviewing system logs, it looks like it hasn’t happened since last week, but feel free to create a separate thread or send a note to support@sharptools.io with more details if it happens again and we can take a closer look. :slight_smile:

The SmartThings engineering team replied that a hotfix was applied yesterday that should resolve the issue.

In spot-checking the logs from this morning (using some of the Rule IDs submitted in this thread), the issue does appear to have subsided.


I can confirm that my rules have been without errors since about 10 AM yesterday. Thanks for the update.


Not seeing the errors any longer. Thanks!

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