Notifications! Pushover and Twilio SMS

We’re excited to announce two brand new notifications channels - Pushover and Twilio SMS!

  • Pushover - send push messages to your phone, tablet, or desktop
  • Twilio SMS - send SMS messages (including international SMS support)!

These new delivery channels join our existing notifications options:

  • Pushbullet - send push messages to your phone, tablet, or desktop
  • Email - send email messages with ease
  • SMS - send SMS messages (Premium, North America)
  • Thing - for example, Sonos, Echo Speaks, etc.


Pushover makes it easy to get real-time push notifications on your Android, iPhone, iPad, Desktop, Android Wear, and Apple Watch.

Pushover charges a one-time fee of $4.99 per platform (iOS, Android, Desktop) with 7500 messages included each month at no additional charge.

You can find more details in Pushover’s FAQ.

KB Article: How to Connect Pushover to SharpTools

Twilio SMS

Twilio is a global communications platform with international SMS support.

In order to use Twilio, you will need to purchase a Twilio Phone Number and have credits in your Twilio account to send SMS messages. Twilio uses a pay for what you use model and pricing can be found on the Twilio SMS Pricing page for your country.

This typically means a base fee of $1-5 for a phone number and then $0.01-0.10 per SMS message.

For example, in the UK a single phone number that sends 100 messages per month would cost $5/month ($1/phone number + $0.04/message * 100 messages)

Note that if you are a SharpTools Premium user, SMS messaging for US/Canada delivery is included without the need for setting up Twilio.

That being said, we heard feedback from many of our global users that they were looking for an SMS solution after both Hubitat and SmartThings have announced that they will no longer provide international SMS support and thus the Twilio SMS integration was born.

Important: you are responsible for billing and payments with Twilio. We would recommend leaving Auto Recharge disabled on your Twilio account to prevent any unintended large charges.

KB Article: How to connect Twilio SMS to SharpTools

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