Monitor offline devices

Currently using Webcore for this.
I’m not very savvy when it comes to creating these sort of rules/pistons and only managed to get it working within webcore because someone shared their piston and I just edited it for my own devices. It checks them every 12 hours which is good enough for me.

So, what is the easiest and most efficient way to do this within Sharptools? Is there’s a way? I have many devices so I’d rather ‘bundle’ them together and not have to create a separate rule for every device

I don’t have Sharptools premium but will purchase it if this is possible.
Could someone help me with this please.

You can use an http action in sharptools to check the offline status of a device.


Authorization: Bearer YOUR_PAT

You can get a PAT here:

You can find the device ids under the location>thing details from the sharptools page where you see and manage locations. Would like to check device every XX minutes for offline status - #28 by josh

Then you can set a variable using the $ or use it in a condition or concat a string together or whatever. Could be a neat case for expressions

Heres the original discussion Would like to check device every XX minutes for offline status - #18 by IslandSoul

I currently do this using a webCoRE piston on Hubitat (using the SmartThings REST API), and it’s also possible to do in Tasker on Android using a pre-existing Taskernet profile. On Hubitat, I use a different endpoint, here:

which gives me information on all the devices and doesn’t require keeping track of all the DeviceIDs. From there, it’s just a matter of parsing the JSON via a loop.

With the array capabilities now available in SharpTools expressions, it may be possible to do this in a single rule with SharpTools, but I haven’t taken a crack at it yet.

Well first of all…are you @John_Johnston using SmartThings or Hubitat? If Hubitat then there is “Device watchdog” application which sends app notification based on device activity. There is also “Device Activity Check” application which could be more of what you need. Most likely something similar can be found for SmartThings if that is what you use. Anyways no need to build webcore pistons and you get notification from Hubitat application (if you are using Hubitat)

Sorry I should have mentioned, I’m using Smartthings.

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A lot of these terms above are going over my head a little. Could someone show me a rule within Sharptools using Smarthings so I can visually see how this rule looks. Thanks.

This here is way above my head lol.

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What about this.

Won’t this be stopping when they retire groovy?

Oh…I forgot The whole thing.
This is The moment when I usually paste Hubitat order page url :slight_smile:

I have a Hubitat hub but haven’t tried it yet. So far into ST and with the new edge architecture I’m happy for now. We’ll see down the line.

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You can use the API. I have a full tasker set of tasks that will handle most API calls. I even have a profile which will look at the health of your devices every hour and give you a pop-up menu to show which devices are below your threshold that you set.

SmartThings Rest API using Tasker

The device health profile / task can be found in the third post in that thread. It works in conjunction with the base tasks.

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Thank you. Again this is a little over my head
So tasker is an android app yes? So it has to be running on something that’s always on?

Is there a step by step guide on how to set this up for all my devices to let me know when one is offline. Even every hour would do.
Thank you.

This works really well for monitoring my hub status

You may want to edit that image as your Bearer Token is showing.

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Is that for your hub or the devices on the hub?
I’d like to be able to easily monitor all of my devices health and whether they go offline, Ideally as one rule with every device added to that rule and to notify me via pushover ( which ive configured for other things well )

If you follow the link I provided, it has all the links need to get started. The base tasks when imported will ask you to copy your bearer(personal access token a link is included) into tasker. You will need to build your local data base. Then you will need to import the health monitor profile. The link for that is in the 3 post. After that it you should be set.

Any further questions about that I would suggest moving them to that thread.

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Is this you? Maybe just an identical name? But if it’s not, take a look at the entire thread. Todd Austin’s tool does exactly what you’re looking for.

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Yeah mate seen it today and set it up.
I’d rather not have to run another thing on another system to be always on but I have a little fanless pc so I’m using that.

I would caution anyone using this driver to pay close attention to the instructions. :nerd_face: Each ‘device’ that’s created with this driver has 20 components on it, so it syncs over as 20 ‘Things’ in SharpTools. Someone else had missed that nuance and created 32 copies of this for the 32 devices they wanted to monitor which synced over as 640 ‘Things’ in SharpTools and was giving them headaches.