Hi I wanted to find out how to add harmony hub to sharptools? Any ideas? Also I see. Custom tiles on some posts how do I do that? Does logi circle and ring doorbell work with sharptools? Please help…
Hi @Sunil_Patel
Glad to have you here as part of the community! It sounds like you have three different questions, so I’m going to take them one-by-one. One of the best ways to get started is to take things piece by piece otherwise it can be overwhelming to try to solve everything all at once!
Harmony Hub Integration
Do you have your Logitech Harmony hub connected to SmartThings? If so, the Logitech Harmony-SmartThings integration can create a set of Virtual Switches which can then be authorized in SharpTools.
You can then add those virtual switches to your dashboard to trigger your various Harmony Activities from your dashboard.
Custom Tiles
Can you clarify what you mean by custom tiles? SharpTools has support for displaying custom attributes using the Hero Attribute tile:
Logi Circle and Ring Integration
For the Logi Circle and Ring, the short answer is they both use closed video feeds and do not provide public APIs, so there isn’t any official way to integrate the video feeds.
That being said, in general there are two approaches for integrating cameras
- If the camera provides an MJPG or JPEG snapshot, then it can be added as a Media Tile directly
- If the camera provides an RTSP stream, it can be integrated into an NVR like Blue Iris or TinyCam which can provide an MJPEG stream which is compatible with Media Tiles
- If the camera doesn’t provide a compatible stream type, many people choose to simply launch their camera app from a tile using Hyperlink Tiles.
In the case of Logi Circle and Ring, both keep things proprietary and don’t offer public APIs, so there aren’t any ‘official’ ways to directly integrate the streams.
Here’s the article on how to use a Hyperlink Tile to launch an app: