Hubitat Rule Engine Local vs Cloud

FWIW, I just realized that I can embed my SharpTools dashboard in a Lovelace dashboard iframe in HASS. I’m not sure there is a strong use case for doing this, but it does work and provides one form of “integration” between SharpToos and HASS.

@Scott_Shipper I do not use SharpTools any longer.
It’s a cool project, it helped me visualize SmartThings and Hubitat but Lovelace more than satisfies my requirements plus it’s all local which is a requirement.

Thanks, @Keith_Croshaw. I’m still mulling over how to think about SharpTools. At this point, I’m willing to have a dependency on cloud in exchange for improved usability. I always have local hub-only communication as a backup (via either Hubitat or HA) if the Internet connection is down or too slow.

I’m generally getting less than 1s response time from my cloud-based dashboard. That’s fast enough for me. Of course the local-only operations are faster, but both are fast enough.

I’m new to all of this, and just learning HA, and at this point SharpTools seems like it offers nearly all the flexibility/utility of Lovelace in an easier-to-use format. Maybe I’ll warm up to Lovelace as I learn more.

I’m thinking I’ll give SharpTools a whirl while I continue to learn. Then I can decide down the road whether a Hubitat<–>HASS system without SharpTools meets my needs.

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