Hubitat OAuth Connection Issues

Just a few updates on this.

  1. We’ve added a warning to the authorization UI that mentions the Hubitat OAuth server performance issues. That warning links to this thread.
  2. We’ve updated our device sync process to workaround this for background device syncs

We’ve updated our background device sync process to workaround this issue for people who already have Hubitat connections. This will not fix the main authorization flow as that fundamentally relies on the Hubitat OAuth servers. But if you make updates to your dashboards or rules that require a background device sync, this update should workaround that.

Previously, the background device sync process needed to ask the Hubitat OAuth servers for a list of locations – unfortunately, because the OAuth servers were experiencing significant issues, this could cause the locations to become deauthorized from SharpTools. We’ve added logic that will fallback to querying our internal location snapshot if the Hubitat OAuth servers don’t respond in time to prevent this.

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Thank you. Really impressed with how quickly you jump on issues like this and come up with solutions.


Might this oauth issue be why the maker API calls are failing for me (while the other non-maker api calls appear to be fine). I would reauthorize the hubitat connection but does that risk the other things not working?

No, the Maker API shouldn’t touch the Hubitat OAuth servers at all. You could try rebooting the hub and make sure your hub isn’t reporting any connectivity issues after the reboot.

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Hi Josh,

It still says connection problems.
What I also tried was disconnecting from Hubitat because I now use mainly Homey Pro (new version).
Whatever I do I can’t get Hubitat disappear. Gives some problems because within things I have all the devices from Homey but also the same within Hubitat.
Is there a way to get Hubitat and the devices disappear?


Looks like this is still a problem. Probably time for me to more seriously consider the move to Home Assistant.

I’m seeing the same thing with Hubitat authorization intermittently this morning across Alexa, Google Home, SharpTools, etc.

Doesn’t look like they’re working overtime to fix it.

I have moved to Home Assistant - it’s next level compared to Hubitat. I’ve been able to duplicate or improve all functionality without having to write a single line of code. Whereas with Hubitat I needed to build a fair few custom apps and devices.

This issue was fixed on the hubitat side months ago. @Stan_Silverman if you are still having issues then I don’t think it was the connection so something else might be going on. Notice that your post was 4 months after Josh’s.

As for Home Assistant it is great. I run a copy on a VM on my unraid server. I also recently got a Green to play around with. It is fun to play with and I use it as sort of a lab for my HA.

But I would never depend on it. They have to get away from the mentality that breaking changes is ok. Hubitat, Sharptools, etc. all attempt to release new versions in a way that (hopefully) doesn’t hose half their community. One recent example involved HASS changing the way sensors were named and I had to go through multiple automations to fix this. Even the guys that ran their sponsored podcast were upset.

For me, Hubitat just works. Not perfect - but I get up every morning knowing that the shades will go up.

The only thing that is more reliable is Sharptools!

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The Hubitat OAuth issue was definitely recurring last night as I was able to reproduce it in SharpTools, IFTTT, and Google Home. I just checked this morning and seems like things are back to normal.

Edit: and as of this afternoon the issue is intermittently back.

I’m not sure it was ever properly “fixed”. From what I recall, the first fixes were the equivalent of turning it off and turning it back on. After the issue kept recurring, I believe they beefed up the OAuth servers and that largely mitigated the issue.

I stand corrected. I haven’t seen anything here but I usually only noticed it in the past when I added new devices - not in day to day activity.

I definitely had updates from Hubitat that broke things. Hence the typical succession of bug fix releases immediately following a normal release. But for me I am simply fed up of trusting my home behaviour to closed source systems that aren’t reliable.

Hubitat or Sharptools does not seem to be working today. As I have tried to authorize in Sharptools and was able to login to hubitat and Sharptools went though the updating but does not update the things list. It took a bit to figure out how to update from the Hubitat hub. It is register and I was able to find the sharptools app in apps on the Hubitat hub. I went to the update section after clicking the virtual switches section. I thought I got it now it will update but it did not so unless I still not doing something wrong I think it does not work as a workaround at least for me. Either Sharptools has a problem or Hubitat. Hubitat is working on Alexa today though.

Hi Steve - thanks for posting and sorry to hear that things aren’t working as expected. I replied to your email asking for a few more details.

As for the workaround, please keep in mind that it will only for if you already had a valid authorization in place for Hubitat-SharpTools.

  1. Open your Hubitat Admin UI

  2. Open the Apps pane

  3. Select SharpTools

  4. Expand the desired device category and check the box next to your desired new devices

  5. Tap Next, Tap Done

When you proceed all the way through the app configuration screens through “Done”, it should send an event to SharpTools which kicks off the device synchronization process (which bypasses Hubitat’s OAuth servers if you already had a valid authorization).

I would note that the device sync process still tries the Hubitat OAuth servers first and it waits 60 seconds before it times out and uses the fallback method, so the device synchronization will take longer than normal until Hubitat resolves the underlying issue with their OAuth servers.

Interesting I guess I been lucky as I have the problem before. The two that I can’t seems to get is B029 and B030. I do see that B028 made it. Maybe a time thing like you said. I guess Hubitat will fix hopefully be soon or we find what the problem is. Josh how I check on Sharptools is I go to the Dashboard I want to put the things in and it does not show. I will look later to if I have some time.


Steven V. Snead, MCSE, CCNA

It seems that it a time thing. It was about 20-30 minutes I kept checking and it is there now. Hopefully, they fix that. Anyways thanks for you help Josh.

Steven V. Snead, MCSE, CCNA