Condition is a Month

Yeah, that is overwhelming since it has all the hourly and minutely forecast data in it. You can add an &exclude=hourly,minutely option to the URL to remove those items from the response and simplify it a bit.{{API_KEY}}&exclude=minutely,hourly

:warning: Also note that if you are in the US (rather the heart of China) you’ll want to make sure your longitude has the leading negative symbol in front of it.

It will still feel a bit cluttered, so you might want to put the response into a JSON Formatter to make it easier to read through:

In your case, I suspect you are looking for the forecasted daily min/max temperature. So you would want to use:




This is basically getting the first entry of the daily forecast and then grabbing the ‘min’ value from under the ‘temp’ object. If you prefer to use the ‘feels_like’ temperature instead, you can do daily.0.feels_like.morn and as an approximate morning and mid day value (eg. taking into account how hot it will feel like with humidity, etc).

Ummm, what is “end point”?

I’ve gone through the previous information and it has gotten me to this point. I guess I’m really hung up on the exact data that goes in the context variable at this point. Is this the API key for Open Weather or is this some version of “temp-max”?

What you shared is what I was looking for. Basically just the URL. :slight_smile:

See my response above.


If that doesn’t help, feel free to share a screenshot of what you have working in your rule so far (make sure to blur out your API Key).

:smiley: EXCELLENT!!!

It works.

Thank you for the excellent help.

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Would you mind sharing screenshots of the rules and http request for pulling high/low for the day?

Hi @Terri

Does this get you what you need?


Yes, thanks so much!

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Anytime… You’re welcome!