Enter Carriage Return in Text Variables

Is there a carriage return escape character that works with string variables or a string passed up from a device? I have a virtual device that is reporting the status of several doors and locks as a combined string, and it would be nice to be able to identify line breaks for clean display on the tile.

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You should be able to use the attribute of this Virtual Device directly with the Hero Attribute tile:

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I can use the hero attribute to show the string, and wrap it so it doesn’t truncate. But depending on the tile size and font scaling, it displays like this:

Front Door Unlocked Back
Door Unlocked Garage
Side Door Locked

What I want to do is set the attribute to be a string that looks like “Front Door Unlocked /n Back Door Unlocked /n Garage Side Door Locked” and have it display as:

Front Door Unlocked
Back Door Unlocked
Garage Side Door Locked

The Hero Attribute tiles support line breaks as long as the tile is set to ‘Wrap’. When the Hero Attribute tile is set to wrap, it maintains line breaks and whitespace characters.


Edit: To be clear, the actual line breaks need to be in the string. Not the text value \n, but the actual line breaks:


Ok. I’m not sure how to insert a line break character into the string in Hubitat. Good to know the Sharptools tile supports it though.

Edit: Turns out it’s as simple as hitting the “enter” key in the variable string box. You just can’t start the string with a return, but it can have one after another character.

Thanks for the help.

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