Accessing variables like descriptionText from an event when a rule is triggered

I am trying to capture and notify based on an unlock event and send the descriptionText – Can this be done?

    "type": "event",
    "subtype": "device",
    "data": {
      "platform": "smartthings",
      "locationId": "81eff6a7-0096-4952-a4f0-12bc5dc8833b",
      "objectId": "e7cac556-c929-4f45-b13a-dc971d19e53b",
      "source": "DEVICE",
      "description": "zw device: 07, command: 7105, payload: 13 01 00 FF 06 06 01 01",
      "descriptionText": "Unlocked by \"Crazy Canadian\"",
      "eventID": "cb0bdb90-4651-11ec-857a-12308b02d11f",
      "value": "unlocked",
      "isPhysical": false,
      "isDigital": false,
      "isStateChange": true,
      "datetime": "2021-11-15T20:22:45.361Z",
      "attribute": "lock"

I would like the have the email notification include Unlocked by Crazy Canadian if possible – I have looked at Context Variables but not sure if I can drill down to the right bit of data… :slight_smile:


Hi @CrazyCanadian, accessing the event data property (or description) is not currently supported, but you may be interested to cast your vote to the following feature request.